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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twitter as a Marketing Tool...

Twitter is a micro-blogging site that allows users to read and send updates of other members on Twitter. Twitter is one of the fastest emerging social networking and micro-blogging sites, which allows text based post of only upto 140 characters in length. Twitter has emerged as one of the best social marketing tool and is widely used by the top professionals all over the world. The updates posted by the users are usually known as Tweets. The main two network groups in Twitter are "Following" and "Followers" groups. The "Following" groups contain people whose updates you are following. Your Following may or may not necessarily follow you. The "Followers" groups are those who are following your updates. In this case you may or may not be following them in reverse. It is always good to have more "Followers" than "Following".
You will be recieving updates of your "Following" and your "Following" group will recieve your updates only if they are Following you back. Your "Followers" will recieve your updates, but you will recieve their updates only if you are following them.
With its high quality user interface Twitter has turned out to be one of the major social media source and is part of the marketing activities of almost all the major companies and organizations. Many Organizations have claimed to have improved their sales and productivity through proper utilization of Twitter.

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Solving You URL Canonical Issue....

This topic comes off with a new solution offered by Google in tackling a big worry of all the SEO professionals. The problem is the canonical issue of the desired URL in search engine results. Hmmm...I hope it seems to be unclear to you. I will elaborate you with one simple example. Consider that your site sells automobile accessories. Your website has some similar or identical pages which are accessible via multiple URLs. When someone searches for "gear box" in Google and one of your pages with this identical content is coming in the top ten. This page may not be the one that you like to have in the top, rather there is one main page which is supposed to be there on the top. This situation will make you unhappy, and many webmasters were searching for a solution to this.

Recently this issue was solved by adding a < link > tag inside the section of the duplicate content URLs, to specify your preferred version.

Consider that your have 3 pages with similar content.

Here the 1st option is the page that you would like to get displayed in the SERP for your particular query, But the 2nd or 3rd URLs are appearing instead. Here you can use the < link > tag inside the < head > section of the 2nd and 3rd URL pages. The code would look like this.
< link rel="canonical" href="" >

This standard is applicable to any search engine that is crawling and indexing your site. By doing this other page properties such as Page ranks, external links are also transferred.


Need for Web Analytics....

Web Analytics includes the collection, reporting and analysis of data from the internet, which is used in the proper optimization of websites. It is also the measurement and analysis of various online activities like page visits, bounce rate, conversion rate etc. Web Analytics is one of the fastest growing area in the world of internet world and has become one of the most integral part of a website success. Web Analytcsi plays a major role in the internet marketing industry and helps to track and grow your online audience and business. web Analytics helps to track everything such as the referring sites, search engines, keywords, locations, operating system, browser, duration of visit, bounce rate, conversion rate etc.

Web Analytics helps in the all type of online marketing such as search engine marketing, email marketing, online advertising etc. So we should make sure that we have put web analytics software on our website to track the new traffic that comes to your site as a result fo the online marketing strategies. Web Analytics helps to find out many things regarding your websites and also helps to improve the efficiency and performance of your website. By analysing the website with a Web Analytics tool we would be able to study the website traffic, behavior of the visitors, most popular pages, areas to be improved etc. There are many web analytics tool available in the market, in which some of them are free while some are paid.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Social Media Strategy

The last 3 years has seen a rising trends among the major corporates involving in Social media strategies and techniques. The Social media strategies and optimization has brought enormous revenue and branding to the companies and websites. As a result of these, many companies have started providing social media optimization services to its clients. While some of them are experience and have their own Social Media strategy and services, other don't have a proper way of implementing social media optimization. The Social Media Strategy mainly deals in the optimization of websites through social networking and social bookmarking sites. There are also other channels such as blogging, press release distribution, article submissions etc. These days companies have started to integrate social media in the organization, both internally and externally.

There are a lot of things that should be taken into account while going for a full fledged Social Media Optimization campaign. The first thing is that we should try to figure out the potential markets, customers etc. If we are conducting social media campaigns in the appropriate areas we will be getting good returns, on the other hand if we are conducting the campaigns for the targeted audience, the social media campaign will be an utter loss. So one has to be careful in selecting the target audience.
It is better to be part of certain communities relevant to your website theme and participate honestly in them. Always keep in mind to share your content and web pages to the most relevant customers / members. The social media also helps the executive of the companies to speak to the people over the social media network.

So while preparing your social media strategies, you should be well aware of your market and customer behavior. Always try to select the appropriate social media tools. (i.e If you want to promote your company news or event go for Press Release optimization, if you want to promote any of your articles go for article submissions, sharing through social bookmarking etc.). Be sure not to misuse your social media tools as it may turn badly against you and may question your authenticity.

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