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Monday, December 8, 2008

Tips for Managing your Digg Account

Digg has become one of the best social bookmarking site in a short span, and leads the pack. Digg is an online bookmarking site, with which a user can store his bookmark online, and use it from any other PC over the net. Digg also gives the facility to share our links with other users or friends. Who ever gets our links shared with them, has the opportunity to vote for the bookmarking. This voting system is known as Digging in DIGG. The more the votes a bookmark gets, the higher is the chances that it be displayed on the front page of Digg. Once it get on the home page of Digg, we can assure a large amount of traffic to the site. Actually managing a Digg account is not a simple process. It requires some sort of skills and patience to get successful with ones Digg account. A well managed Digg account can get you enourmous traffic and visitors to your website. There are certain things to take care while managing a Digg accounts. Some of them are mentioned below.
1) Try to grow your Digg network. It helps in sharing your link to a large number of users and get it Digged, resulting in more traffic to your website.
2) Never try to aggressively promote your product or website through Digg. Your account may get terminated without prior notice.
3) Try to make the Digg bookmarking/posting as attractive as possible. The posting should generate curiosity among the Digg users and force them to click on the bookmark link, so that our site gets enough traffic.
4) Grow your network by adding friends with similar interests. It will help in getting more Diggs.
5) Add friends from the "Recommendation" section in the Upcoming tab. This would help in getting friends with similar tastes and interests.
6) Always post genuine bookmarks and avoid being spammy.
7) Always try to digg the posting shared with you by other readers. If you don't digg others posting for a continuous time period, you will also get less Diggs in reverse.
8) And last - manage and use your Digg account with utter care.

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